What is Terminal Lucidity?

Unusual experiences at or around the time of death have been reported across cultures for millennia. Near-death experiences and near-death visions are common examples of these kinds of experience. However, terminal lucidity is also one of these experiences that has been increasingly reported in contemporary times.

Who we are

We are a group of international researchers and practitioners with an interest in these death-related phenomena, including terminal lucidity. As a research team we have a collective research experience of more than 200 years.

Research Projects

Our team members are engaged in a range of research projects related to unusual experiences that occur in close proximity to death. However, we have come together as a collective to work on the following projects.

“The (re-)emergence of normal or unusually enhanced mental abilities…including considerable elevation of mood and spiritual affectation, or the ability to speak in a previously unusual spiritualized and elated manner”

— Michael Nahm, 2009


Feel free to contact us with any questions.